Production & Quality
Detailed Chemical and Sensory analyses are performed in-house and in accredited laboratories at various stages of production on specific parameters with high-tech equipment for every batch.
With traceability from the olive grove to the final product, our world class certifications provide our customers with the assurance that we are operating at the highest standards and that they can trust our products.
The standards we adhere to are highly regarded in the International Food Market and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

What makes us different...
• 12 Cultivation Varieties
• Mediterranean Climate & Sigri micro-climate
• Temperature: between 4 C - 33 C . Ideal of olive trees.
• Sun: Lesvos has the highest % of sunshine all over the Mediterranean
• Fertilising with Organic Seaweed Posidonia Compost to safeguard against diseases
• Exceptional groves - High Standard Harvest method
• Prototype process for Oil-Press
• Storage in excellent conditions
• Standardization & Bottling according to regulated procedures

We follow the most up-to-date standards for Olive Oil production and are also open to meet each customer’s special requirement.
Our experienced team in Sigri Olive Mill and in Athens handles all documentation and follows rigorous international guidelines.
We are a Dedicated, Active and Qualified team, focused on Sustainability & Ethical work culture.
We have developed Ol’eve brand, a family of excellent quality Extra Virgin Olive Oils and a carefully selected range of Healthy Functional Foods, like honey, olives, maple sugar, agave sugar, agave syrup with hibiscus, ceremonial matcha and many much more.
We have our own facilities and together with our inhouse R&D department, comprised by food technologists and marketing experts, chefs and nutritionists, we create products and formulate recipes to share with our end-customers.
Giving life to a remote village, we not only support the local community, but endeavor to build a hub for education and development, to promote our sustainable practices on a global level.

Ol-eve Olive Oil
• Focus on Sustainability & Ethical work culture
• Dedicated, Active and Qualified team
• Sharing our knowledge with our end customers, Universities, Organisations, Chefs, Nutritionists, Bloggers etc
• Educating
• Planting new baby olive trees, as well as other trees
• Advancing the local community – giving life to a remote village
• Creating a development hub on the island of Lesvos
• True label
• Not blended with other oils
• Not blended with other additives
• Non adulterated
• Claims are backed with accredited analysis on our specific product
• No plastic bottles
• Dark glass bottles and metal tins, to prevent oxidation
• Extra clean facilities
• High-tech equipment
• Automation and manual systems balance, to yield the highest quality
• Rigorous analysis
• Tested in house and in accredited labs
• Operating according to EU regulations and internal plan
• Constantly monitoring International & European Legislation
• Experienced in documentation
• Flexibility on additional parameters in packaging and NPD, depending on customer demands, without compromising on quality

Ol-eve Olive Oil Benefits
• Rich in Polyphenols - powerful antioxidants - EU Health claim*
• Rich in Vitamin E - powerful antioxidant - EU Health & Nutrition claim*
• Rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids (Oleic) - EU Health claim*
• It is not associated with weight gain and obesity
• Ideal for all uses. Preferable to consume it fresh, raw on salads, in dressings, on all types of food. Also appropriate for cooking (even frying, although frying in high temperatures for long times, is generally to be avoided for all oils)
Other benefits that are found in clinical studies, although not yet regulated
• High in Squalene-Antioxidant
• Antibacterial Properties
• It is great for the bones/joints
• May reduce type 2 diabetes risk
• Protects against heart disease
• May prevent strokes
• May reduce cancer risk
• Ηas strong anti-inflammatory properties
• Excellent for the skin
• Significant improvement in mental function in people with early Alzheimer symptoms.
*where applicable & always proven by analysis in accredited labs with valid and approved test methods. The relevant claims are approved / authorized by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)